New Fundraising Opportunity for Dojo!
20 April 2006
To: EBJI Families and Community
From: David Matsumoto
Re: Dojo Fundraising Opportunity
Hi. Recently I came across a business opportunity for the dojo to create some fundraising via online shopping.
It is As you will see when you go there, there are exclusive
brands for, as well as partner stores to many retailers we are all very familiar with (e.g., Circuit
City, Barnes and Noble, Omaha Steaks, etc.). Basically, it works like this: we will receive a percentage of all
sales done through our registered ID number.
Because the dojo CANNOT open an account as a for profit business (because we are a nonprofit organization), I
have opened an account as an Independent Business Operator (IBO) at I then purchased a registration
for the dojo as a member (like Costco, essentially). This way I can track all proceeds coming in from the dojo, and
will cut a check back to the dojo for the proceeds received as a donation.
Thus, it would be great if we could spread the word around to use this portal for online shopping. I am not
advocating you go and buy stuff you would not normally do (but you can if you want!); I am, however, asking that
people go to this website first to buy stuff that they would normally buy online. And there are many things you can
purchase here that would eliminate you from going to the store for!
I have created an ID for EBJI Clients. Here’s the EBJI Client ID info:
Account name: EBJI JUDO MEMBER
It’s pretty cool because all purchases made via this login will bring a little to the dojo, and save you
time and effort. Please consider using it. And thanks a lot for your continued support of the dojo.
Posted by Allen Gordon
- Posted in News
Apr, 24, 2006
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