Remodel Week 9
Greetings again to members, friends, and family of EBJI!
It’s week 9 and we’re deep into construction! Finally we have some pictures that aren’t primarily of demolition and preparation!
Our front entryway. It’s actually a slight ramp to allow wheelchair accessibility.
This is front view of what used to be the entry to the office. We can see the frame starting to take shape.
This is the attic entry at the back of the dojo. When I arrived, they were doing work in the attic on the ceiling.
The exit at the back of the dojo. We’ve got come concrete in place that will allow us to secure a ramp into the back yard and our mat storage shed.
The wood on the left side is going to be where the wall (between mat area and back area) will be. The concrete has filled in the trench was there. As we can see, there’s still some exposed areas in several pictures that are where the plumbing is. They’ll be filled in and topped at another time.
This didn’t come out as good as I’d hoped. This is where the new bathroom will be. It’s in a space that used to be part of the office. You can see (again) the exposed plumbing. The door to this bathroom will be near the edge of the mat area.
Looking again at our friend the old bathroom light and the new space we’ll be adding to the training area.
The inside of the new office. The wall in the back is going up where we’ll have a bathroom and a storage room.
That’s it for this week. It’s projected we have another month or month and a half, so I expect that we’ll see a lot of progress pretty quickly. Hoping we can have our new, larger, space and be able to have some sort of training in the dojo before the weather turns south for the winter.
Cheers all, be safe!
Posted by Daniel Israel
- Posted in News
Sep, 18, 2020
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