August 9, 2008 – My Olympic Experience…
…isn’t over yet!
I competed today and now it is 10:15pm here in China and I am exhausted.
After getting back from the opening ceremonies last night at 11pm or so, I slept a little bit, and weighed in at 7am. After I ate I went back to my room and rested for a minute and took the 10 o’clock bus over to the venue. Started warming up at 11:15 or so for my big match against Tani.
I wasn’t really nervous as much as I was excited competing against her. In my mind I had built her up to be super-human because of all her accomplishments, but in reality, she was just like you and me. One thing I definitely have to say is that she is a very smart, experienced player. Once she scored a yuko on me, she wasn’t going to take ANY chances and was playing very cautious. This is what smart judo players do when they have the lead.
Nonetheless, I lost the match, but I felt like I gave it my all. I was able to hang the whole time with the legendary Tamura and what a way to experience my first Olympic Games!
After my match with her, I fought a strong Chinese girl in the loser’s bracket. We were even until the last minute when I got thrown for ippon with a cross leg grab. I just lost my focus for two split seconds and got caught. It only takes a few seconds for a mistake like that to cost you the match, and in this case, it did.
All in all, I am happy that I competed the way I did, but still dissapointed that I lost. For me, it doesn’t matter if its a local tournament or the Olympics, losing is still dissapointing. But I feel like I gave it my best effort and thats all I could do.
The competition still has 6 more days to go and I am looking forward to seeing such great judo.
I’ll write more to you soon.
Thanks for all your messages!
Posted by Allen Gordon
- Posted in Articles
Aug, 09, 2008
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