Remodel Week 3
Greetings again to members, friends, and family of EBJI!
Here we are at the end of week 3 of our remodel! The majority is still demolition, but we can see more of the preparation for the earthquake retrofit coming together. There’s been a lot of work on the floors, removing the flooring and prepping for the changes to come. Here’s a few pictures showing what’s been done.
This is right at the entryway to the building. You can see some of the concrete in the entryway has been removed. If I recall the plans correctly, the entry will be sort of a ramp to allow wheelchair access.
This picture is almost from the same spot, I’ve just stepped into the building and turned to the right. Last week this groove had been marked but not cut. It’s now been cut and the earth has been moved. This will be one of the 3 earthquake supports.
The main lobby. All the flooring has been removed, we can still see a lot of the old wiring stuck out.
The edge of the training area. All the flooring has been removed, you can see the edge of the middle groove where an earthquake support will be. It’s amazing how big the space looks with nothing in there!
The same shot I take every week showing the expanded training space. Unfortunately I was in a rush to stay out of the workers’ way, I cut it off a little bit on the right, normally I try to get the light where the bathroom used to be.
This is the same middle groove that was partially done last week. It’s been cleared out and you can see how deep the groove is. I hope nobody is using that stepladder where it is now!
The office space. The floor is almost completely removed
The end of where the office will end and the training area begins. I didn’t mess up this shot, so we can see our regular marker, the old bathroom light. I wonder how long that’ll be there?
Looks to me that the demo and prep is almost complete. I’m looking forward to seeing the actual construction begin!
Posted by Daniel Israel
- Posted in News
Aug, 07, 2020
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